Firstly, I’d like to say the entirity of this solution came from this awesome post on the prolific Experts Exchange blog. So BIG thanks to Satish Auti for posting it. I’m reposting for my own benefit in case I run across it again and can’t find his article.
So if this helps and you want to give props, give them to him, there.
OK, so in a nutshell, I had several DCs and one wasn’t replicating to the others, I suspect due to a power outage at some point corrupting the SYSVOL folder. At any rate, the fix was pretty straightforward: Tell one of the other DCs it has a restored version of AD and then tell your misbehaving DC it needs to grab a new copy because it’s copy is junk.
If you only have one DC, jump on Satish’s post where he outlines both processes, if you have multiple, do this:
On both DCs:
- Make a backup copy of C:\Windows\SYSVOL somewhere
- Run net stop ntfrs
On DC not getting the JRNL_WRAP_ERROR
- Run regedit
- Navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NtFrs\Parameters\Backup/Restore\Process - Change the DWORD BurFlags value to D4 (hex)
- Run net start ntfrs
- Run Regedit
- Navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NtFrs\Parameters\Backup/Restore\Process - Change the DWORD BurFlags value to D2 (hex)
- Run net start ntfrs
That’s it, and thanks again to Satish Auti!